When you’re done, you’ll find the answer key on page 2 of the PDF.Do you feel the Christmas spirit in the air yet? With all the decorations in your home, at the mall, and almost everywhere you go, it’s hard not to get in a festive mood, right? But with the industrialization of Christmas, it’s also very easy to forget about what these things really mean. because he refused to recant his heretical views because he wouldn’t eat the worms he was servedĭ. because he had red hair and flushed skinĬ. At the Diet of Worms, Luther was condemned as “a demon in the appearance of a man.” Why?Ī.“Next to the Word of God,” what did Martin Luther say “deserves the highest praise”?.none of the above - as a monk, he stayed single a nurse who cared for him in his old ageĭ. a nurse who cared for him in his old ageĬ.

Martin Luther said he never saw a Bible until he was 20 years old.Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapelĭ. Copernicus taught heliocentric universeĬ. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapelī. Which of the fo!owing events did NOT occur during Martin Luther’s lifetime?Ī.Although he was particularly fond of playing this instrument, he gave it away before entering the monastary at 21. His love for music dated back to his early school days, when music was his favorite subject. As an adult, Martin Luther wrote dozens of hymns.Martin Luther was born on Novemin what country?.(Scroll down for a free printable version.) Reformation Day Quiz Use it to test your knowledge of Martin Luther’s life. So, in honor of the occasion, I’m sharing the following Reformation Day Quiz. Octomarks the 500th anniversary of the day Martin Luther first nailed his 95 Theses to Wittenburg Castle Church Door. Choosing Curriculum: Cultivate Your Child’s Love for Learning.